Are you interested in a fiberglass pool and not sure where to begin your search? Well, we have taken some of the work out of your research for you. Below is the most comprehensive list of fiberglass manufacturers in America. They are arranged in no particular order.
1: AQUATECHNICS POOLS: Aquatechnics is a fiberglass pool manufacturer based in Mississippi but was founded in Australia. They feature 30 models including 3 spas and one tanning ledge in a variety of color choices. https://aquatechnicspools.com/
2: BARRIER REEF POOLS: Barrier Reef Pools: A fiberglass manufacturer that originally hails from Australia but now has facilities in Alabama, Texas, South Carolina, and Florida. Barrier Reef offers 18 models and renowned as one of the thickest fiberglass pool shells on the market. https://www.brpoolsusa.com/
3: HATTERAS FIBERGLASS POOLS: A Fiberglass Pool Manufacturer based in Rock Hills, South Carolina. They offer 8 models and 2 color options. https://hatteraspools.com/
4: LATHAM POOLS: Arguably the largest fiberglass pool manufacturer in America. Latham Pools has manufacturing plants in Tennesee, North Carolina, Florida, and West Virginia. Latham offers over 55 different models and several color options. https://www.lathampool.com/fiberglass-pools/
5: ALAGLASS FIBERGLASS POOLS: Alaglass in a medium-sized fiberglass pool manufacturer located in South Carolina. Alaglass offers 22 models with 6 spas and tanning ledges to choose from. https://alaglaspools.com/
6: LEISURE FIBERGLASS POOLS: Leisure is a large manufacturer of fiberglass pools with its roots in Australia. They also manufacture pools in Europe as well. Leisure Fiberglass Pools offers 33 models of fiberglass pools. https://leisurepoolsusa.com/ . Leisure Pools also manufactures Imagine Pools and Aviva Pools. All 3 of which are sold throughout the U.S.

7: SUN FIBERGLASS POOLS: A medium-sized fiberglass pool manufacturer that offers 29 models. https://sunpools.com/
8: TALLMAN FIBERGLASS POOLS: Tallman Fiberglass Pools offers 10 models and assisted installation based in Georgia. https://www.tallmanpools.com/
9: LONESTAR FIBERGLASS POOLS: Lonestar Pools offers 23 models of fiberglass pools manufactured in New Braunfels, Texas. https://lonestarfiberglasspools.com/
10: THURSDAYS POOLS: Thursdays Pools is a medium-sized fiberglass pool manufacturer with manufacturing plants located in Indiana. Thursdays pools offer 20 models and several unique innovations to the fiberglass pool. https://thursdaypools.com/
11: AMERICAN FIBERGLASS POOLS: American Fiberglass Pools is a fiberglass pool manufacturer based out of Houston, Texas. American Fiberglass Pools offers 18 models in several color options. http://www.americanfiberglasspools.com/
12: CUSTOM FIBERGLASS POOLS: Custom Fiberglass Pools is a small fiberglass pool manufacturer that offers 8 models. https://www.custom-fiberglasspools.com/

13: WATERWORLD POOLS: Water World Fiberglass Pools offers 31 models and is based out of Seneca, NY. http://www.waterworldpools.com/
14: PREMIUM FIBERGLASS POOLS DIRECT: PFPD specializes in the selling of fiberglass pool shells direct to clients for DIY installation. With plants in Florida and Georgia, PFPD offers 22 different sizes for your DIY project. https://premiumfiberglasspoolsdirect.com/
15: SAN JUAN POOLS: San Juan Pools the inventor of the modern fiberglass pools offers over 100 models in a handful of different colors. San Juan has plants in Florida, Arizona, and Indiana. https://sanjuanpools.com/
16: RIVER POOLS: River Pools is a small fiberglass manufacturer with 2 plants. One in Warsaw, VA, and one in Indiana. River Pools offers 8 models with several sizes of each model. River Pools is famous for their installation process that has been adopted as the Industry Standard for Fiberglass Pool Installation. https://www.riverpoolsandspas.com/

17: AVIVA POOLS: The Aviva Brand of Fiberglass Pools is based out of Tennesee and is manufactured by Leisure Pools. Aviva Pools offers 12 models with 3 tanning ledges and 3 spas. www.avivapools.com

18: IMAGINE POOLS: Imagine Fiberglass Pools is based out of Tennesee and is manufactured by Leisure Pools USA for distribution through PoolCorp. It is the 3rd line of pools manufactured at the Leisure Pools Plant. Imagine Pools features 16 models. www.ImaginePools.com

19: SWIMUSA FIBEGLASS POOLS: Swim USA is a fiberglass pool manifacturer based in New Jersey that offers 33 models. https://swimusapools.com/about/