Ok…Ok…you might be rolling your eyes at this heading (#NOTclickbait!). However, there is some
real truth to the statement in this title. It takes time, energy and money to invest in a residential
pool project. And there are a multitude of decisions to mull over……Choosing a pool contractor,
designing your poolscape and specifying materials can seem like a lot to undertake. But winter
is actually a great opportunity to plan for next summer! It affords some extra time in research
so the client can ask as many questions as possible about their respective pool project.
Chances are that if you are reading this right now, summer might have slipped away from you
this year. In Wisconsin, that’s pretty typical. It’s spring time, you have big plans…..you blink
your eyes…..and all of sudden it’s time to rake the leaves.
Well, the good news is that you’re not alone! This is also the case for pool and landscape
contractors in the great state of Wisconsin. Depending on weather, the window for pool
installations is typically limited to April – November. This obviously varies from year to year-
nevertheless, the timeframe for construction is restricted and the schedule is packed with on-
site consultations and contracted installations.
That being said, December – March tends to slow down a bit at Pool Pros, Inc. (…..not a shocking
news development by any means!) Naturally, many people have shifted their focus to the
holidays and few Wisconsinites are thinking about swimming when their backyard resembles a
winter wonderland!
But why not?? Winter is a great time to start planning for an upcoming pool project. Designers
and pool consultants have more availability in their schedules during the off season. This
affords plenty of time to discuss options for pool/landscape design and more time to personally
research all the different facets of your backyard installation. And ultimately, the sooner that
you can finalize all of the project details and contract, the sooner that you will be able to enjoy
your new pool in your very own backyard oasis! Typically, during the spring and fall seasons
there is a rush of clients scheduling consultations – so that they might be first in line for
Here are a few tips and tricks for…. “Wisco Winter Pool Planning”...so that you can
secure a top spot in next year’s schedule!
Pre-planning- Gathering Site Information before ‘Da Big-Snow:’
Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!! This one is pretty straight-forward…It’s a great idea to gather as
many site pictures as possible. Yes! Google Earth is a great resource that is helpful….but
nothing is more useful to a pool consultant or landscape designer than multiple site pictures
from different vantage points.
Once that first blanket of snow hits, there are a lot of site features that are hidden from view. A
thorough documentation of all of existing site features in your front, sides and backyard, will
allow your pool consultant to provide an accurate project bid tailored to your site. Each project
site has unique access considerations. Site pictures will help identify elements such as planting
beds, hardscapes, house/drainage structures, septic/well systems that could affect site access
and material staging (and ultimately the cost of installation).

In many cases, the existing site grade is a major factor that will determine the final placement
and process in which your pool is constructed. And again, snow complicates the ability for
accurately assessing property grades during a site consultation. So if you are able to take
multiple pictures to help show the existing slope of your yard, it will be invaluable information in
receiving a quick and accurate quote.
Check out this quick video to get to the heart of what information you will need to properly prepare for getting quotes for your fiberglass pool. : POOL PLANNING VIDEO
If you haven't already signed a contract, the winter months are a great time to slow down and do a little extra research in finding a pool contractor that is the perfect fit for your project. Reviews are a vital
resource and first step. Take the time to go over reviews of past clients....as this will give you an
intimate view into what it is like working with that particular contractor. Here is a great article to read that is dedicated to specifically this topic: HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT POOL BUILDER
There is a seemingly infinite combination of different material selections to make when
designing and planning for a pool project. It can seem overwhelming, but with a little extra time
for decision-making, you can find material options that fit your style and budget perfectly.
First, you have to decide whether fiberglass, concrete or vinyl liner pool is the best match for
your pool project and if you are unsure use our "POOL TYPE QUIZ" right here to find out!
From there, the pool deck can be constructed of broom finished concrete, pavers, natural
stone or stamp finished concrete. Pool component upgrades might include waterline tile,
automatic pool cover, bullnose coping, water features, lighting components, slides, etc. Each
option comes with an associated benefit and relative cost.
A refined wish list; with an understanding of the general corresponding price will go a long way in planning and preparation for your project. Consequently, the initial proposal and quote that
you receive will more accurately reflect your final vision/expectations.
If you already have a contract in place, it is a good idea to review the selections within your
proposal. Take this time before ground-breaking to ensure that all of your bases are covered.
One of the most common causes of delays in project timelines is eleventh hour change orders.
If you can avoid change orders at the last minute, then undoubtedly your project will go much
For this reason, it is beneficial to double and even triple check your material selections. The
sooner that you can make your pool contractor aware of possible changes, the more prepared
they will be for installation....and the sooner that you can ultimately enjoy your new pool!

Along those same lines, it is a great idea to use the winter months to make any final tweaks to
the proposed pool layout and landscape plan. Designers and consultants will have some extra
time in the offseason to review your upcoming project. Long before site prep, it is ideal to know
that your pool will be placed exactly where it fits best on your property. Moreover, this is the
perfect time to ensure the surrounding pool deck, hardscape features and landscape beds (with
new plantings) are situated exactly how you have envisioned.
At Pool Pros, we offer the service of creating a comprehensive and emmersive 3D Pool Project Design using VIP3D Software from Structure Studios. This program allows our in house design team to
illustrate all existing conditions (house, deck, landscaping, etc.) along with the placement of
newly proposed features such as the pool, new plantings, pool deck and any hardscape features.
VIP3D allows designers to showcase different vantage points throughout the landscape to
help give you a realistic perspective of spatial and material aspects of your project. These
features can be quickly adjusted with the software to give clients a visual sense of what different
materials would look like or how much space might be required to accomodate outdoor
Since we are not actively building pools Winter is the best time to take advantage of the additional availability of our designers to truly dial things in for you and not be in a rush as things typically are in the peak of summer. So start your research now to get a jump start on the season and help with a seamless and streamlined project come summer.
For assistance with your potential pool project or to set up a design consultation with our very own award winning in house pool designers call Pool Pros today @ 920-771-0107. We are excited to help you answer all of your questions and provide you with a comprehensive pool layout/plan that is perfectly tailored to your needs! When Quality Counts, Count on Pool Pros!