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How to Spice Up Broom Finished Concrete!


Learn how you can make ordinary plain broom finished concrete into something extraordinary with Pool Pros pool design experts.


Before we can get into what it takes to spice up broom finished concrete we first need to establish what broom finished concrete is. Broom finished concrete is exactly how it sounds. Its concrete that has a broomed in textured finish. Broom Finished Concrete is everywhere. Your traditional concrete driveway, concrete roads, sidewalks, etc all have a broom finish to it.



  • Broom Finished concrete is the most economical pool decking material available

  • It is the most common type of concrete finish

  • It is fairly easy to form and pour broom finished concrete

  • The finish technique is easy and requires no specialized equipment or techniques


  • Broom finished concrete is very basic looking

  • When poured in large pool decks or slabs it lacks in design appeal


For as long as I can remember pool builders would offer broom finished concrete as a low cost economical pool deck options because is was cheap and easy to install. Most of those pool decks look pretty plain and dont do justice to a pool project. At Pool Pros we dont believe that having broom finished concrete is a recipe for a plain jane pool project. We are about top flip the old script about broom finished concrete on its head. Pay attention because you may be surprised by what comes next.

Broom Finished Concrete being used on a high end in ground pool project
Segmented Broom Finished Concrete used on a High End In Ground Pool Project


At Pool Pros we have been wracking our brains on how we can improve the look and design appeal of basic broom finished concrete and after years of thinking it over we have come up with some great ideas. In our opinion the number one way to improve the design appeal of broom finished concrete is to get away from the old idea of just pouring a large monolithic slab. We found that if you can break up or segment a broom finished concrete pool deck into smaller areas and implement the use of accent strips in between the segments it drastically increases the eye appeal. The space between the concrete slabs can be filled with artificial turf or decorative landscape stones like the mexican beach pebble which is highly sought after on high end pool projects. As you can see in the photos below modern poolscape designs features alot of broom finished concrete broken down into segments. Some segments are squares shaped, diamond shaped or rectangular in shape. Broom finished concrete can be laid out in any shape or pattern that you can think of. The key is to break the broom finished concrete down into smaller segments with good clean spacing and accent materials that contrast to the standard grey broom finished concrete color


The key to spicing up broom finished concrete around your pool is to use a professional landscape architect with a flair for the creative. A pool designer or landscape architect with a little bit of imagination can help you take a plain jane broom finished concrete pool deck to a pool deck worthy of a magazine cover. Not all pool designers are landscape architects, and not all landscape architects have the vision to create something unique out of a material once thought to be cheap and ugly. So when you are vetting your pool builders also vet the style and creativity of their in house Pool Design Team.

Segmented Broom Finished Concrete Patio courtesy of Chicago Outdoor Living
A beautiful segmented broom finished concrete patio courtesy of Chicago Outdoor Living


With a little bit of imagination and creativity modern pool builders have the ability to revive the once frowned upon material of broom finished concrete into something worthy of the cover of Luxury Pools Magazine. So choose your pool builder wisely and don't think that if you choose broom finished concrete for your pool deck that you are forced to suffer the fate of a plain jane pool project.


If you are ready to dive into designing your pool project give Pool Pros a call today. Our in house pool designers are ready and here to help get you started on the path to enjoying your new pool.


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